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February 27, 2010

Tsunami warning of Hawaii Live streaming coverage by local channel – evacuation started

Filed under: uncategorized — Tags: , — admin @ 12:01 pm

There has already been a Tsunami warning at Hawaii just few hours back. Many people has already started evacuation after hearing this news.

Tsunami is expected to hit all islands for few hours and will cause a huge devastation due to its large magnitude .

The sirens for Tsunami sounded at 6 a.m. local time to warn of a potential tsunami triggered by a massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake in Chile.

Hawaii could face its largest waves since 1964, according to Charles McCreery, director of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Most malls and Hilo airport is closed and strict warning of evacuation has been given.

Tsunami waves were likely to hit Asian, Australian and New Zealand shores within 24 hours of the earthquake. The U.S. West Coast and Alaska, too, were threatened.

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February 10, 2010

Earthquake in Illinois southern Wisconsin and Iowa

Filed under: World — Tags: — admin @ 4:18 am

Just few hours from now an earthquake hit Illinois and Southern Wisconsin. The earthquake magnitude on richter scale was 4.3.

The earthquake also has been felt in some parts of Iowa, Indiana and Michigan.  As per US geological survey this earthquake hit on 77 kilometers ( 46 mile ) West – North west from Chicago, 6km WNW from Virgil.

This reported earthquake was a mild one as compare to previous one. Till now no major casualty has been reported. No house or property damage have been reported till now by any sources.

This earthquake occurred at very wide area but till but due to less intensity it didn’t cause any damage so far. Some people in that area even haven’t felt like earthquake hit.

Similarly a earthquake of 5.9 was reported in Offshore Northern California on February 4. The updated details regarding this earthquake can be seen at US Geological survey website here.

January 19, 2010

Cayman islands earthquake – Increasing threat

Filed under: World — Tags: — admin @ 10:10 am

Today just few hours back an earthquake of Richter scale 5.8 hit Cayman Islands. This earthquake was is quick succession after two previous earthquakes in last seven days. Previously a strong earthquake hit Guatemala which doesn’t lead to any life threat and before that disaster of Haiti has already occurred.

Despite this earthquake there is still no information of any life damage. Its considered that only material loss has been reported and no human loss reported so far in Cayman Islands.

Cayman Island is located in a region approx 600 miles west of Port-au-Prince, Haiti and about 18f miles east of Jamaica.
Due to the sudden earthquake the poser has been disrupted on many parts of Cayman Islands and its been assumed that it will be restored within few hours from now.

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