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July 11, 2010

Netherlands vs Spain live streaming FIFA world Cup finals next

Filed under: Entertainment — Tags: — admin @ 10:17 am

The final match between Netherlands and Spain will go live in few moments from now. The final match will start in 15 minutes from now. So get ready with all your stuffs and sit down in front of your TV.

Spain is playing without Fernando Torres. And here is the list of their squad playing today – Casillas, Sergio Ramos, Pique, Puyol, Capdevila, Busquets, Alonso, Xavi, Iniesta, Pedro, Villa.
Subs: Valdes, Albiol, Marchena, Torres, Fabregas, Mata, Arbeloa, Llorente, Javi Martinez, Silva, Jesus Navas, Reina.


Squad for Netherlands playing finals are – Stekelenburg, Van Der Wiel, Heitinga, Mathijsen, Van Bronckhorst, Van Bommel, De Jong, Sneijder, Robben, Kuyt, van Persie.
Subs: Vorm, Boulahrouz, Ooijer, De Zeeuw, Braafheid, Elia, Schaars, Babel, Afellay, Huntelaar, Van der Vaart, Boschker.

This game will be played at Soccer City Johannesburg in South Africa, the last match to be played in South Africa bcoz its a grand finale.

Spain has defeated these team to cross their tough way to the finals. Switzerland, Beat Honduras and Beat Chile. Round of 16: Beat Portugal. In Quarter-final match : Beat Paraguay. Semi-final: Beat Germans while Netherlands also played one of the toughest matches ever- Beat Denmark, Beat Japan, Beat Cameroon. Round of 16: Beat Slovakia. Quarter-final: Beat Brazil. Semi-final: Beat Uruguay.

So whatever was the scenario , watch the finals updates here at
http://blogs.wsj.com/dailyfix/2010/07/11/world-cup-final-live-netherlands-vs-spain/ and also at http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/jul/11/holland-spain-world-cup-final-live

July 9, 2010

Paul the psychic Octopus chose Spain as FIFA world Cup winner 2010

Filed under: World — Tags: , — admin @ 8:29 am

At present, world’s most famous Oracle is Paul – the octopus, because its predicting the unpredictable very correctly. It has predicted all the Germany matches correctly and without any delay it has chosen Spain as the world cup champion for 2010.

Paul has not predicted any match of FIFA world Cup wrong and hence it has drawn the media attention. And this hype was so big that this decision making process of Paul was being shown live on TV at many channels all over Europe.

The finals of FIFA world Cup will be played between Spain and Netherlands. And definitely this prediction has gave Spanish a big confidence and Netherlands – a big shock. Whatever is the prediction , reality will be unveiled on this Sunday and every eye will be on new man of the match – Paul, the Octopus.


Since two and half year, it is the first time when Octopus is making a decision which doesn’t involves Germany. And whether it will be true or false will be decided only after the match.

June 29, 2010

Spain vs Portugal live next

Filed under: World — Tags: — admin @ 10:34 am

Spain will meet Portugal in the second round of FIFA world cup 2010 match. The live telecast of this crucial match where one of the best contender of World cup will depart out of the world cup.

And this will be the first time spain and Portugal will meet outside the Europe. The winner of this team will meet Paraguay in the quarterfinals of FIFA world cup which has defeated Japan by 5-3.


The live match cat of this crucial match can be checked at many websites. But the best text coverage can be checked at BBC sports and FIFA. Visit http://www.fifa.com/live/competitions/worldcup/matchday=19/day=1/match=300061498/index.html to witness this match live on your PC.

March 13, 2010

Australia vs Germany live stream – Watch FIH Hockey World Cup 2010 finals live today

Filed under: World — Tags: , — admin @ 7:04 am

TOday in the final match of Hero Honda Hockey World Cup, defending Champion Germany will meet Australia. This final match of FIH Hockey World cup 2010 is live from Major Dhyan Chand Stadium today.

In their semifinal match, Australia and Germany defeated their opponent Netherlands and England respectively. Germany defeated England 4-1 while Australia managed fighting victory by 2-1.

From last two world cup finals, both teams are clashing. But both time Germany has defeated Australia and has taken two continous World Cup for them.

Other matches that were played today was between New Zealand vs South Africa for 9th and 10th spot. For 7th /8th positions India clashed with Argentina and for 5th/6th positions South Korea will take on Spain today.

Watch the live streaming of the final match between Ger vs Aus here. CLick here. to watch live score of the match Click here

Update –

Australia win 2-1

March 6, 2010

India vs England live – FIH Hockey World Cup 2010 streaming

Filed under: uncategorized — Tags: , — admin @ 6:53 am

India will meet England in its fourth match in FIH hockey world CUp 2010 just after a few moments from now. India has already lost their two important match against Australia and Spain and are already out of the tournament.

India lost their first match against Australia by 2-5, they lost their second which was a do or die situation for India by again 2-5. Only satisfaction for India is that they have defeated their biggest rival Pakistan in the opening day of World Cup 2010.

India will clash against England today who have won their all three match against Australia, Pakistan and South Africa with a good margin and made it seemingly one-sided. If England will win it, they will confirm their eligibility for semifinals but their will no miracle for India as they are already out of series.

England is playing without their three key players Matt Daly, Simon Mantell and his brother Richard Mantell, but still they are hot favorite to win this game.


Lets see whats happen at the field today. Whether England will continue its triumph or India will break it giving at least a satisfaction to the hockey loves from the country.

You can see this match live on tensports or if you want to see live streaming goto bwin.

March 5, 2010

FIH Hockey world cup 2010- Germany defeated Argentina today

Filed under: World — Tags: , — admin @ 10:33 am

Today Germany defeated Argentina in their league match between both of them today in FIH Hockey world cup 2010. Germany beat Argentina by 4-3 goals and almost confirmed their place in semifinals.


So Germany in total has won two matches against Canada and Argentina while they end up in a tie with match against Korea with 1-1.

Argentina who has lost today’s game has already lost its game from Netherlands and Korea. SO after losing all three games, they are already out of tho tournament.

For Germany, Martin Zwicker scored two goals, while Matthias Witthaus and Martin Haner scored one goal each. For Argentina, Matias Enrique Paredes, Pedro Ibarra and Martin Lucas Vila scored the goals.

This game was like an one sided game because of the previous performance of Germany team but Argentina made a huge comeback many times but they never did it. Germany again are the hot favorite to win this game and event this world Cup 2010.

March 4, 2010

India vs Spain live score – FIH World Cup Hockey

Filed under: World — Tags: , — admin @ 7:33 am

India is playing its third match against Spain at present. Its a do or die situation for India as India either win this game or have a tie. they can’t lose this game, if they want to go ahead in this World Cup.

India has won its first match quite comfortably against Pakistan by 4-1 but they got a big defeat by Aussies and was thrashed by 5-2 goal.

And on the other Hand, Spain has won their first match against South Africa while they lost to Pakistan by 2-1.

India has to win this game to be in the World Cup. And later on India will take on England on Friday and South Africa on Sunday

This match between India vs Spain is live and has started just five minutes back on ten sports and it seems India is playing quite defensive but anyhow they have to attack and make goal to remain in FIH world Cup.

Best of luck to India for the victory and defeat other team also later in this race.

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