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February 8, 2010

Who won the super bowl 2010 – New Orleans Saints is winner

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So the question arises to those who haven’t seen superbowl 2010 yesterday, yes it is New Orleans Saints. They defeated Indianapolis Colts in  the final match today.

New Orleans saint defeated Indianapolis Colts by a huge margin 31-17 in Super Bowl XLIV today.

In this match, Super Bowl XLIV broke a 27-year-old all-time U.S. ratings record set by the comedy series MASH, CBS Corporations officials said on Monday.

A whooping 106.5 million viewers watched this match which is the largest number of viewers ever watched a sports game.

The saints victory brought back the glory to New Orleans after this huge victory over Indianapolis Colts. Indianapolis colts never displayed even a sign of comeback against the Saints, and Saints managed a easy victory against Colts in biggest NFL match today.

After this victory of Saints, Haitian President Rene Preval contacted the National Football League about securing a football team for his earthquake-ravaged island nation Haiti.

1 Comment »

  1. how can this stupid game so famous:)

    Comment by gauri shankar — February 9, 2010 @ 12:41 am

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