FYOQ News For Your Omni Queries

February 19, 2010

Evan Lysacek won first Gold in figure skating in winter Olympics – Defeated Yevgeny Plushenko

Filed under: World — Tags: , — admin @ 3:19 am

Evan Lysacek provided the sixth gold medal for US in this WInter Olympics. And in figure skating its the first men’s gold for United States.

He defeated former champion Yevgeny Plushenko of Russia who grabbed the silver medal and Daisuke Takahash of Japan got the bronze in Figure Skating today.

Evan Lysacek ended the hope of three times world champion Yebgeny Plushenko by a margin of only 1.31 points. Thanks for Plushenko shaky landing.

Since Brian Boitano won at the 1988 Calgary Games, Lyascek became American to win that title for his country and thus ended the supremacy of Russia in this game.

Few years back , he had got injured and thought couldn’t stake ever in his life, but his hard work materialized and he won his first goal for the country in Figure Skating.

He told that ” I never tried to get excited after each jump, I wanted to pump my fist every time. I am now very happy after having the gold and its making me very proud.

1 Comment »

  1. Seams like kind of a holiday so banks get another day off… but I work at a bank so I”m not complaining 🙂

    Comment by pure acai berry supplements — February 19, 2010 @ 8:37 am

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